Coming Full Circle

February 7, 2007


Literacy and Basic Skills : Student Advancement Program : Housing Program
Investing In Women’s Futures : Advocacy Program : Pimaatisiwin Program
Life Skills Program : Nurturing The Inner Circle : Coming Full Circle : Ongoing Activities

Coming Full Circle

Healing from the Legacy of the Residential schools.

The residential school was one of the government’s tactics that attempted to assimilate First Nations people into the dominant society. It became law for Indian children to attend residential schools which was enforced by the RCMP and operated by the churches. Most of these children raised in the residential schools lost such things as their language, culture and traditions, identity, parenting skills, family values, and suffered physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse. These adult/children are now known as Residential School Survivors. Their descendants are known as Intergenerational Survivors.

Coming Full Circle is a client driven program that addresses the effects of the residential school and assists survivors along their healing journey. Methods of healing used are healing circles, sweat lodge ceremonies, traditional teaching, fasting, traditional/mainstream methods of counseling, and the full moon ceremonies.

Healing Circles
Tuesday evening from 6-8pm

“The Eight Stages of Healing”

  • Week 1: Denial
  • Week 2: Blame
  • Week 3: Self-Blame
  • Week 4: Victim
  • Week 5: Anger
  • Week 6: Survivor
  • Week 7: Forgiveness
  • Week 8: Integration/Wholeness
  • Week 9: CELEBRATION (Feast & Presentation of Certificates)

Sweats provided once per session.
Fasting ceremonies held twice yearly.
Childcare and tokens provided.
Light snacks available.

For more info, contact:

Loretta McGregor